MiL@b (The Metabolomics Interdisciplinary Laboratory) group is an interdisciplinary research group aimed at advancing scientific and technological knowledge in metabolomics. MIL@b is co-lead by Dr. Maria Vinaixa (PI and group coordinator) and Dr. Oscar Yanes (co-PI) and it is integrated by 16 scientists including full and associate professors, PhD students, post-doctorate researchers and technical staff. MIL@b people are affiliated to the Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Electrònica i Automàtica (DEEEiA, URV) and/or to the Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV). MIL@b is one of the URV research groups recognized and funded by Generalitat de Catalunya (2021 SGR 00842). MIL@b operates the Metabolomics Platform, a CIBERDEM/IISPV-URV joint research facility created back in 2007 and offering advanced metabolomics services to the scientific and medical community.